Mattress Protectors and Pillows

Mattress protectors and pillows

Keeping your mattress in great condition

Mattress protectors

At The Bedroom Ayr Ltd, we only sell products we'd be happy to use ourselves, as we want to ensure that you get great value for money when you choose to shop with us. We stock a selection of mattress protectors, helping you to keep your mattress in great condition, protecting your investment.

The mattress protectors we have in stock are from Protect-A-Bed, a highly regarded manufacturer. We stock their cotton and bamboo mattress protectors, as well as their pillow protector range, keeping your bedding protected. To find out more, pop in and speak to a member of the team or give us a call today.



So, you've got a beautiful new bed. Your mattress is just the right level of firmness, and everything is just right - but what about your pillows? Old pillows don't give the same degree of support as new ones, and in order to get the best possible sleep, it's important to ensure that you have quality pillows. We stock:

  • MLily Premium pillows
    Pocket sprung pillows
    Duel season pillows
    Memory foam pillows
    Hollow fibre pillows

Get the right pillows and enjoy your sleep that bit more!


For mattress protectors and pillows, visit The Bedroom Ayr Ltd or give our friendly team a call today on 01292 266888 Review us on Yell


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